
Securing CII in AI Era

Non-disruptive, AI powered pentest tool for critical infrastructure to create a digital asset map and conduct virtual pentest on the map.



Non-intrusive mapping of the target network to build a digital asset map of the infrastructure using backups, logs, configuration files from various devices such as NIDS, Firewalls.

CyPenPoint uses AI-driven techniques, such as deep reinforcement learning and large language models to simulate sophisticated attacks on the generated digital asset map, enabling identification of potential attack paths and thus help optimizing your security posture.



Comprehensive visibility on network topology and asset inventory: A single pane of glass for viewing consolidated asset data, including Active Directory information, software bill of materials (SBOM), and network traffic patterns, enabling informed decision-making.

Non-Intrusive Pentesting on OT without connecting to production: Virtual penetration test on the digital asset map without risk of downtime

Understanding your Attack Surface: Focus on what is exploitable by adversaries to prioritise your security implementation

Improved Situational Awareness: Reduces time and effort required for responders to gather information, analyse data, and respond to incident



Multi-Source Data Integration: Aggregates data from various sources, such as firewall rules, NIDS logs, Active Directory information, and asset inventory.

Network Graph Visualization: Presents a detailed, interactive network graph for responders to quickly understand the network topology.

Consolidated Asset View: Offers a single pane of glass for viewing consolidated asset data, including Active Directory information, software bill of materials (SBOM), and network traffic patterns.

Virtual Pentester: AI Powered virtual pentester simulates attacks on the asset graph to identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses, helping responders proactively assess and improve their defences.

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Offline vulnerability assessment do not state if there is a potential path of intrusion.

CyPenPoint uses AI to identify potential attack paths of intrusion based on vulnerability, configuration, permissions, etc.

Lack of visibility in OT infrastructure

CyPenPoint gets the complete picture of OT assets and inventory with multi-source data integration

Agent based solutions may cause problems in OT.

CyPenPoint is completely agentless and offline solution.

Denial of Service Risk in Pentest

Since CyPenPoint is offline, there is not DOS risk.

Post Pentest Clean up is required.

Since CyPenPoint does not perform actual pentest, there is no need for any cleanup afterwards.

Book a demo with our team of experts to know how we can help you secure your organization from all possible cyberattacks!